Sproutt Life Insurance Reviews – Is It The Best Digital Life Insurance Platform?

Flynn Rey | Last Updated : March 10, 2021

Sproutt is a digital life insurance platform that studies your lifestyle through certain assessments and accordingly pairs you up with the ideal life insurance policy or company. They aim to provide personalized support and inspire individuals to live a better life through cost-effective insurance products. 

Sproutt Life Insurance ReviewsIs Sproutt Truly An Efficient Life Insurance Agent?

Unlike the regular life insurance companies that take a longer procedure, Sproutt easily and quickly suggests options on life insurance packages that will benefit you the most just from the information that you provide to them online. 

And as you read more into this Sproutt life insurance review, you will learn the various means by which you can choose the right financial coverage for your family. 

Product NameSproutt Life Insurance
Main BenefitsHelps in improving the quality of your life
CategoryHealth & Wellness
AvailabilityOnly through the official website
Official WebsiteClick Here
Sproutt Life Insurance Reviews

What Is Sproutt? 

Finding the right life insurance is extremely crucial. You don’t want your bills to be a terrible burden on your family or spouse. Sproutt life insurance is said to act as a broker by finding you the right insurance policy or insurance provider. 

You can avail of either a medical exam or no medical-exam insurance policies on their site. Although Whole Life and Term Life Insurance is provided, Sproutt is mostly active in Term life policies. 

It uses simple and effective steps in understanding your way of living which we will be talking about in the next section. 

All you need to do is fill out an application form online that will be reviewed by their team. You will then be recommended the most suitable insurance package based on your preferences and needs.  

The company is said to have 4 offices each of which are located in New York, Kansas City, Hartford, and Israel. 

Sproutt review

How To Apply? 

Sproutt life insurance uses a simple online Q&A to find your perfect insurance policy. 

You may visit the official website and click the ‘Get Started’ button. This will lead you to a page-by-page series with a total of 12 questions that mostly focuses on your financial situation and lifestyle.

Make sure that you are providing correct and honest information so that you can gain the best insurance policy for yourself.

Once you have completed these 12 questions and received your quote, you will be directed to another page that consists of 11 questions regarding your name and contact details along with your acknowledgment that you have reviewed all your disclosures. 

After this, you only need to wait for a review by their insurance companies and underwriters. 

You will then be connected with the insurance company that is ready to provide your package and your policy will be activated.  

If you are struggling with any confusion while filling out the application form, don’t worry as customer service agents would be present live to provide you assistance. 

How Does Sproutt Life Insurance Work? 

As I have mentioned before, Sproutt uses online tests to figure out the type of insurance you need. 

The company is said to have developed a Guided Artificial Intelligence Assessment (GAIA) based on which the Quality of Index (QL) is boosted.

Let me help you understand what it means. GAIA is a 15 minutes online test that is created to evaluate your overall health and lifestyle structure in an intuitive and personalized manner. 

Based on this, your QL index score is determined through medical research. 

The QL index score is constructed based on five important factors:

1. Movement :

Just as the name suggests, this component aims to enhance your physical health through exercises as it is said to help you improve your diet, mood levels, and sleep. 

The team recommends walking or cycling for around 150 minutes to attain at least moderate physical activity.

2. Sleep:

The medical experts at Sproutt advise reducing bright light exposure during the day and blue light exposure at night. 

They also suggest following effective measures to prevent irregular sleep as well as following a consistent sleeping pattern.

3. Emotional Health: 

Your emotional health is proven to have a powerful impact on your physical as well as mental health. Sproutts states that strong and healthy relationships can reduce the chances of premature death. 

They also recommend owning a pet as it not only helps reduce loneliness but also increases your physical activity.

4. Nutrition: 

A nutritious diet is central to your immunity and weight. Most of the time, people tend to go for strict dietary plans and expensive supplements to ensure complete nutrition for their bodies. 

Experts recommend eating good-home cooked food which involves whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as protein-rich food items. 

The workout drinks that you consume always have a small amount of added sugar. Ensure that you reduce the intake of sugary drinks and replace it with green tea to increase metabolism. 

5. Balance: 

When you ensure the practice of the above-mentioned factors, you attain complete balance which is what determines the quality of your life. You need to have a proper understanding of your life’s purpose by being in touch with your core self. 

Sproutt Working

Sproutt’s GAIA criteria not only helps you to match with the ideal life insurance but also provides a list of suggestions that may work to increase your QL index score which would subsequently improve your quality of life. 

Note that the term insurance policy provided by Sproutt life insurance ranges from 10 to 30 years in the form of 5-year increments with the maximum coverage being $2 million. 

The information that you provide plays a key role in the type of insurance you will be provided. But you needn’t worry! Even if you are elderly and suffering from poor health, Sproutt is said to offer you the right insurance policies to choose from but like most policies, the premiums are likely to be higher with a reduced term. 

You needn’t be concerned about your information being shared with unknown third parties. Only the insurance companies that work for Sproutt life insurance would have access to your information. 

Their official website is well encrypted and does not grant unauthorized access. 

What Is Sproutt’s No-Exam Life Insurance?  

Sproutt life insurance is said to specialize in No-Exam Life Insurance wherein you will be offered the traditional life insurance policies ie; Term Life and Whole or Permanent Life Insurance. 

No-Exam Life Insurance is said to be most suitable for those who are quite healthy and have fewer financial issues.

It claims to work exactly the way it sounds ie; you needn’t submit your medical reviews or undergo medical tests to be eligible for life insurance, unlike the regular life insurance policies demands. 

Sproutt refers to the No-Exam policy as ideal for those who do not get the best returns from traditional life insurance. 

It is also the perfect choice for individuals who require immediate life insurance as well as those who have a busy life. 

Due to the ongoing pandemic and the increased need for life insurance, most of the customers were able to make use of the No-Exam Life Insurance as it required only an online application and zero clinical tests. 

The application process of No-Exam Insurance requires filling out a bunch of basic background questions. 

Typically the standard life insurance policies require you to not only attend a medical exam which is time-consuming but will also take a longer time to generate your application results. 

Whereas Sproutte’s No-Exam Insurance provides you with the fastest response and thereby saves you a lot of time and effort. 

The only disadvantage of this insurance which I would like to point out is that they are highly expensive. As you can see it does not ask you for medical tests to provide you with financial security. 

The insurance company is taking a bigger risk by providing you full access to a life insurance policy without any medical proof. 

So if you are going for the No-Exam Life Insurance, it would be better to ensure whether you are of excellent health as you may not want to incur any deep losses. 

Please refer to their official website to understand more about this policy. You may also check out the life insurance policies that require a medical exam. 

 customers’ QL Index scores

What Are The Benefits Of Sproutt Life Insurance

Here are the various benefits that you can expect upon using Sproutt:

  • Wide choice of quality term life insurance products. 
  • Immediate customer services at any time of need. 
  • Faster approval. 
  • Helps in improving the quality of your life. 
  • Effectively performs in providing you financial security for you and your family. 
  • No underwriting while calculating premiums. 

Sproutt Life Insurance Pros And Cons 

While choosing any life insurance, it is important to thoroughly study its pros and cons. 


  • Saves time and effort.
  • Suitable quotes for the elderly. 
  • Top choice of life insurance companies and policies.  
  • Instant customer support. 


  • Whole life policies are limited.

Final Verdict – Sproutt Life Insurance Reviews

If you have read till here, you might be considering trying out Sproutt life insurance.

And with Sproutt Life Insurance reviews that I have come across, many members of this life insurance agenda seem to be quite satisfied with the benefits attained. 

Although your health status is generally important to securing life insurance, Sproutt offers varied options of financial packages even if you have poor health, unlike other life insurance companies. 

Their application process not only matches you with the apt life insurance provider but also provides you tips on improving the quality of life. 

Sproutt life insurance can be said to be a useful life insurance company especially in these tough times of the pandemic due to their digital platform and faster process. 

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