A Florida’s Surgeon General Refused To Wear A Face Mask!

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : October 28, 2021

Joseph Ladapo, State Surgeon General, a skeptic of many Covid-19 safety procedures, refused to let a Florida state senator use a face mask while entering her legislative office, even after she stated that she had a serious medical condition to the senator. In an interview with Ana Cabrera on Monday, Tina Polsky, a Democrat who represents parts of Palm Beach and Broward counties, claimed she had a strict masking policy in her office. Covid-19 and other medical concerns, as well as other ailments, are more likely now that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer, according to her.

A Florida’s Surgeon General Refused To Wear A Face Mask!

Polsky claims that Ladapo and two of his subordinates entered her office for a Senate confirmation interview without wearing masks, despite the fact that masks were required outside the door. Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Ladapo, who recently visited her office alone. She said Ladapo was asked to wear a mask many times, but he refused.”It came to a five-person crew. Three of them were crammed into the little space, making things a little dicey “Polsky had the audacity to say what he felt.

A Florida's Surgeon General Refused To Wear A Face Mask

Her response to the man’s claim that he doesn’t conduct interviews while wearing a mask was, “I reacted by stating that you can hear me fine since I have attended numerous meetings here,” she went on to explain. After all, Ladapo had suggested meeting outside and seemed to be open to hearing more about why the latter believed it was a good idea. “He was making an effort to come to terms with the other party. He was under the impression that by suggesting we walk outside, he was giving me a place to remain.”

According to Polsky, she told Ladapo she had serious medical conditions despite having publicly announced the cancer diagnosis she had at the time of the conversation. However, she adds that despite this, he refused to put on a mask. The underlying objective of Polsky’s actions, according to Polsky, was to “push my buttons.” He said that his genuine intent was to “have a good time with me.” “I was displeased because he wasn’t following my directions,” he said.

In an email, a spokeswoman from the Florida Department of Health disputed that Ladapo said anything about having a good time, according to Florida Politics. It is said that “the only time they are published is when a lawful meeting transforms into a media story predicted from a gossip column,” according to Florida Politics, Deputy Secretary of State WeesamKhoury noted. Polsky’s sickness upset Ladapo, according to Khoury, who went on to wish her well.

To show his support for Polsky in light of his health difficulties, Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson sent a letter to all senators and workers on Saturday, calling the occurrence ‘disappointing.’ He didn’t mention Ladapo by name, however. During a pandemic, individuals should respect one another’s comfort level with social interaction, Simpson writes in his letter.

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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