How To Sleep Better For Improved Mental Health

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : September 20, 2021

In these times, millions of people around the world neglect mental health. Depression, anxiety disorders among many others are as common as flu. Sometimes nothing seems to help, no medications or therapies. But the simplest and most effective way anyone can follow is getting enough sleep.

Our sleep patterns are highly correlated with our emotional wellness. According to the US Centers for disease control and prevention, it is essential for adults to get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Though one in three individuals do not reach that minimum. Poor sleep patterns contribute to depression, anxiety, and stress.

How To Sleep Better For Improved Mental Health

Teenagers that follow irregular sleep patterns experience social jet lag. This puts them behind in terms of connecting with others and performance. It leads to a decrease in academic performance, missed days, lack of curiosity and learning, and tardiness.

How To Sleep Better For Improved Mental Health

Therapist John Duffy believes that the quickest and most effective way to improve mental well-being is to develop a better sleep habit. He explains the following ways to improve sleep rapidly.

He says that several of his clients go to bed looking at one screen or another. They scroll through social media or watch videos online for a long time before going to sleep. For the last several years, smartphone addiction has become a common issue in therapy practices.

According to a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry by college students, smartphone addiction can lead to sleep difficulties especially when they are used at late nights.

John Duffy suggests to his clients that they keep their smartphones away and substitute them with meditation, a book, or music. He even advises mindful exercises. He believes that changing this alone improves sleep and mental well-being.

According to him, families share sleep patterns for better or worse. So bettering sleep habits for one individual can lead to good sleep for the rest of their family. He advises his clients to make a sleep schedule for themselves and their families.

He asks people not to get discouraged if a change takes time. Consistency is the key to developing healthy sleep habits. He says that creating poor sleep habits takes time, likewise developing healthier sleep hygiene will take time.

He suggests dialing back bedtime for 15 to 30 minutes for one week. Over time we can find ourselves at the schedule without forcing it.

Another way to improve sleep is getting regular exercise. The National Sleep Foundation’s survey reported that people who exercise regularly were two times more likely to get regular and high-quality sleep.

John suggests his clients think of sleep as a process that should start one hour before they actually sleep. It is advisable to create an atmosphere without bright lights and noise. You can watch a light episode offer show together. You can spend some time reading. It is advisable to set the late evening from the rest of the day. These measures will help the body to get rest.

He says that sleep issues become common during the onset of the academic year. Most of the kids begin their academic year with a poor sleep schedule. To resolve these issues, scaling the bedtime bank may help.

He added that if he could get his teenage clients to get half an hour of extra sleep every day, their symptoms would start decreasing and their performance at school, sports, work, and extracurricular activities would improve significantly.

He also added that his clients experience reduced anxiety and depression, more clarity in their life and work, and enjoyable days with improved sleep schedules.

His message for improved mental health is clear – take action now, make these changes now. Develop improved sleep habits, manage anxiety and depression goes a long way for one’s family.

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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