National Guard Will Receive Pentagon’s Vet During Presidential Inauguration

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : January 19, 2021

Washington D.C is under high-security measures beforehand the President-elect Biden’s inauguration, according to the Acting Defence Secretary Christopher Miller. 

Miller said on Monday that troops of thousands of National Guards will be deployed in D.C as the inauguration is scrutinized for insider threats after the arrests of former and active-duty personnel of the military.

National Guard Will Receive Pentagon’s Vet During Presidential Inauguration

The arrest was made since they were actively present in the Capitol siege which took place in the first week of January.

National Guard Will Receive Pentagon’s Vet During Presidential Inauguration

They were charged with storming the Capitol building along with the mob of Trump supporters. The riot resulted in the death of 4 people.

Miller said in his statement that around 25,000 troops will be deployed in D.C on Wednesday for the presidential inauguration. Where they will be vetted by the Pentagon and the FBI altogether.

He added that while no intelligence indicates an insider threat, they are not leaving any stone unturned to ensure the security of the capital during the event. 

According to Miller, this type of vetting would take place often by law enforcement for significant security events, and the participation from the part of the military, in this case, is unique as well.

Due to the scope of military involvement, the federal agencies will lead the effort usually conducted by law enforcement.

The service members are also provided with additional training by the D.C National Guard to let them report if they feel anything fishy to their chain of command.

Miller thanked and appreciated the effort of the FBI in vetting the National Guard members.

Thousands of the National Guards will be patrolled across the streets of Washington ahead the day of Presidential Inauguration as well. 

Major General William Walker said that the guards are screened and repeatedly screened until they are actually put on the street as it is a credentialing process.

Walker didn’t mention anything as to whether the screening is included with specific queries on the beliefs of the members on the legitimacy of the election but an enhanced background screening is carried out.

He said that it is all about the background. A regular background check is upgraded with extra screening, extra details, and they adapted it as the FBI, and the secret service is part of it.

If it is ensured that there is no insider threat, it implies that the soldier, guardsman, or airman is given a credential.

Walker also stressed that for the National Guard members it is another layer as they are screened upon their entry to the service.

Other reports also said that the Secret Service and the U.S Army had already been conjoined together to determine whether there are soldiers who would be part of the National Guard contingent providing security at the event who need extra background screening.

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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