Navigating Arizona Intersections: Understanding Right-of-Way Rules

John Furrier | Last Updated : January 23, 2024

Intersections are crucial points on the road where vehicles converge, and clear rules regarding the right-of-way are essential to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow. In Arizona, like in many other states, specific guidelines dictate who has the right-of-way in different situations. Understanding these rules is crucial for all drivers to promote safety and prevent accidents.

Basic Right-of-Way Principles

In Arizona, the right-of-way rules are designed to establish a hierarchy of who should proceed first at an intersection. While these rules are in place to enhance traffic safety, it’s important to note that they may vary depending on the type of intersection and specific circumstances. Here are some fundamental principles regarding right-of-way in Arizona:

  1. Traffic Signals and Signs: Obeying traffic signals and signs is paramount. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow usually indicates that you should prepare to stop. Yield signs require drivers to give the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.
  2. Four-Way Stops: At a four-way stop, the vehicle that arrives first has the right-of-way. If two or more vehicles arrive at the same time, the one to the right typically proceeds first. It’s important to make a complete stop and proceed cautiously.
  3. T-Intersections: At T-intersections, the vehicle on the through road has the right-of-way, and drivers on the terminating road must yield. However, it’s crucial to be attentive to any traffic signs or signals that may modify this rule.
  4. Uncontrolled Intersections: At intersections without traffic signals or signs, drivers must exercise caution. The vehicle that arrives first or the one on the right generally has the right-of-way.

Pedestrian Right-of-Way

In addition to vehicular right-of-way rules, Arizona law prioritizes the safety of pedestrians at intersections. Pedestrians generally have the right-of-way in crosswalks, and drivers must yield to them. It’s essential for both drivers and pedestrians to be aware of and adhere to crosswalk signals and signs.

Emergency Vehicles and School Buses

Emergency vehicles, such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks, always have the right-of-way. Drivers must yield and move to the side of the road to allow these vehicles to pass. Similarly, drivers must stop for school buses displaying flashing lights and a stop sign when picking up or dropping off passengers.

For a comprehensive understanding of right-of-way rules at Arizona intersections, including specific scenarios and exceptions, navigate to this website. This resource provides detailed information that can enhance your knowledge of traffic rules and promote safer driving practices. Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned one, staying informed about right-of-way regulations is crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic.


Navigating intersections is a fundamental aspect of driving, and understanding right-of-way rules is essential for everyone on the road. Adhering to traffic signals, signs, and established right-of-way principles helps create a safer driving environment for all. By familiarizing yourself with these rules and staying informed through resources like the suggested website, you can contribute to a more efficient and secure driving experience at Arizona intersections. Safe driving not only protects you but also promotes the well-being of fellow road users.

John Furrier

John Furrier is a techie with expertise in BlockChain, eCommerce. He has been working on the cutting-edge of technology for over 10 years. His work has earned him recognition as an emerging leader in this field for various magazines. He lives to break new ground and find ways to make things more efficient for his clients. John believes that “Successful people are always looking for creative solutions.”

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