Safe And Effective 4 In 1 Blood Pressure Medication

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : September 1, 2021

Although hypertension is the globe’s top cause of death, inadequate hypertension regulation is nevertheless frequent. When contrasted to the conventional practice of mono, in which therapy begins with just one medication, a novel technique in which individuals are begun on a tablet comprising 4 drugs, at a fourth of their regular dosage has indeed been demonstrated to be far more successful in lowering hypertension.

This was the initial large-scale, randomized uncontrolled scientific research to show that initiating this unique combo hypertension medicine reduced heart rate in 80% of patients in 12 weeks, relative to 60 percent in the comparison cohort, who had exposure to the finest care delivery.

Safe And Effective 4 In 1 Blood Pressure Medication

Physicians had typically begun including one medication and then followed up to see if they need to add or change care this technique is typically ineffective in practice, and hypertension control levels have stayed persistently low for years.

Safe And Effective 4 In 1 Blood Pressure Medication
Measuring pressure – taking blood pressure

There is no second thought that lots of people suffer from high blood pressure and this figure is consistently increasing. Though there are some options with the help of which one can control the same the best option as per experts is nothing but the medication that is safe for everyone. 

In a different Post Comment published in The Lancet this week, Professor Clara Chow, lead and author of the paper and Director of the University of Sydney’s Westmead Applied Research Center, said that controlling hypertension, also known as people with high blood pressure, was not perfect anyplace, and in some areas, very few than one in ten people had high blood pressure under regulation.

The George Institute for Global Health, UNSW Sydney, and the University of Sydney’s Dr. Emily Atkins said: “In settings with high levels of specialist care and full access to a range of existing blood pressure medicines like the centers in this trial the improved reduction in blood pressure with this strategy would be expected to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by about 20 percent. In settings with little or no existing hypertension treatment, the benefits would be much greater.”

Quadruple UltrA-low-dose tReatment for hypErTension (QUARTET), a multi-center Australian clinical trial of a potential future ‘quad pill’ dose of four medications, has shown that a daily pill usually contains ultra-low quintuple mixture is more efficient than the conventional strategy of beginning with a single agent (single drug).

Five hundred and ninety-one people with hypertension participated in the research, which was sponsored by the National Institute of Health Council and took place in ten locations across Australia. At 12 weeks, the main result was substantially lower BP in the group that started on the quad pill. At 12 months, the differences were still present, with control of blood pressure being higher with the quad pill technique relative to the usual method, but no difference in negative impacts.

Professor Chow said there were still important research questions. “For people who may be having side effects from their current treatments, we would like to know whether a switch to an ultra-low-dose combination can improve things,” said Professor Chow.

“Also, the WHO Hypertension Guidelines released this week, just like other recent hypertension guidelines in Europe, US and elsewhere, recommend most patients start on two blood pressure drugs rather than one. We need to know how that would compare to a quad pill strategy.”

Professor Chow said a simple and effective combination quad pill strategy had the potential to impact people’s lives worldwide. “High blood pressure is the leading cause of preventable deaths globally we hope our world-leading findings will be translated swiftly into a product available for the general public,” she concluded.

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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