Playgrounds Are Safer?

Playgrounds Are Safer?

Playgrounds are “an extraordinary chance to get families together and be outside and appreciate; however, do as such in a protected way,” said Dr. Ada Stewart, a family doctor with Cooperative Health in Columbia, South Carolina, and the leader of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Security safeguards are likewise significant in light of the…

OIG Agrees To Free Drug Treatment Under Supervision Of The FDA

OIG Agrees To Free Drug Treatment Under Supervision Of The FDA

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the HHS (Health and Human Services) in the United States has expressed a favorable opinion in its communique on 18 April on the arrangement by which a pharmaceutical company offers free medicine to patients that satisfy certain criteria.   OIG Agrees To Free Drug Treatment Under Supervision Of…

Salt Sensitivity May Increase The Risk Of High Blood Pressure

Salt Sensitivity May Increase The Risk Of High Blood Pressure

A new study has discovered that all the extremely sensitive people to Salt are having an increased amount of risk developing high blood pressure. It was already known to scientists as an element that enhances levels of salt sensitivity are more common, especially among the people who are already suffering from the problem of high…