Tinnitus Guard Reviews: Clinically Proven Formula To Eliminate Inner Ear Noise!

Dr. Stacy Tyree | Last Updated : December 11, 2021

Hey Folks!  This is my Tinnitus Guard review for everyone who has been struggling with tinnitus for a long period of time and wanted to buy a Tinnitus Guard to treat tinnitus but doesn’t know much about the supplement.

Tinnitus Guard Reviews: Can This Supplement Cause Any Side Effects?

Tinnitus is a condition when you experience a ringing in one of your ear or both ears that aren’t caused by any external sound. Tinnitus is common in 15-20% of older adults. Even though tinnitus is not a serious medical condition, it can be quite irritating and challenging in our daily lives. Tinnitus Guard claims to be a supplement that cures tinnitus permanently without any side effects.

This review will discuss Tinnitus Guard in more detail, so if you are someone or know someone who is struggling with tinnitus for a long time and want to know more about the supplement that may cure the condition, keep reading this Tinnitus Guard reviews till the end.

Tinnitus Guard Reviews
Product NameTinnitus Guard
Healthy BenefitsHelp to remove unwanted ear ringing
IngredientsVitamin C ,Niacin ,Vitamin B6 and many more
Unit Count60 capsules
Dosage2 capsules per day
Results2-3 months
Side effectsNo side effects reported
MultipackAvailable in 1 bottle, 3 bottles, 6 bottles
Price 1 bottle:$69
3 bottles:$59 per bottle
6 bottles: $49 per bottle
Money back60 days money back
Official websiteClick Here

What is Tinnitus Guard?

Tinnitus guard is a propriety blend of 8 natural ingredients and other scientific components that acts as an ear ringing relief supplement. Tinnitus Guard helps to remove unwanted ear ringing which can be quite irritating for anyone. The Tinnitus Guard has a formulation of Vitamin B6, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Folate, and Vitamin C that helps to reduce ear ringing.

Apart from being an anti-ear ringing supplement, Tinnitus Guard also helps in healthy inner ear function, promotes memory, focus, and attention, and improves blood flow in the body.

What are the Ingredients of Tinnitus Guard?

All of the ingredients of Tinnitus Guard are high-quality ones that are manufactured by modern techniques following the FDA and GMP guidelines. The list of main ingredients of Tinnitus Guard is given below:

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid): Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for skin, bone, and blood vessels. Vitamin C helps to lower blood pressure and increase the blood flow in our body. It also helps to protect your memory and improves cognitive functioning as you age. Vitamin C also protects against hearing loss that is caused due to noises or ear ringing.
  • Niacin (Granular): Niacin has been used in the treatment of ear ringing for years. Niacin reduces muscle tension and enhances blood flow to the inner ear’s tiny blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B6: This ingredient is also used to treat tinnitus. Vitamin B6 helps in the production of serotonin, a hormone that controls the overall well-being of our mental health including mood, stress, sleeping patterns, etc.
  • Folate: Folate helps in preventing hearing loss associated with tinnitus. It also supports a healthy metabolism rate.
  • Vitamin B12: The deficiency of vitamin B12 is one of the main causes of tinnitus. Vitamin B12 creates myelin which protects the nerve surrounding, so a deficiency of Vitamin B12 will lead to improper functioning of these nerves that leads to tinnitus. Vitamin B12 also helps to proper cognitive functions, improves mood, and reduces symptoms of depression, and boosts your energy.
Tinnitus Guard Ingredients

Apart from these ingredients, Tinnitus guard also has a proprietary blend of 8 natural ingredients. They are Garlic bulb, Hawthrone leaf and flower, Olive leaf, Hibiscus flower, Buchu leaf, Uva Ursi leaf, Juniper berry, and Green tea leaf

How do the Tinnitus Guard works?

Vitamin B12 insufficiency is one of the most common reasons for tinnitus. Tinnitus is caused by a lack of vitamin 12 in the body, which causes the inner ear nerves to malfunction and the hairs in the inner ear to bend or break, resulting in tinnitus. Tinnitus can be caused by a variety of factors, including a person’s age. The Tinnitus Gaurd acts to ensure that the ears receive adequate vitamins and that blood flow into the small vessels of the ear is improved.

Tinnitus protectors also improve the brain’s overall cognitive performance, which has a direct impact on the inner ear and ear nerves.

 What are the benefits of Tinnitus Guard?

Tinnitus guards have a lot of benefits from being a solution for ear ringing to improving overall mental health. The benefits of Tinnitus Guard are given below:

🟢Anti ear ringing: The ingredients of Tinnitus Guard are proven to be effective in treating tinnitus and assist the health of the inner ear. These ingredients work together to protect the inner ear nerves from being damaged and improve the blood flow to the inner ear blood vessels. 

🟢Improves memory and concentration: Garlic bulb that is present in the proprietary blend of Tinnitus guards is proven to be effective in preventing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in older adults. Thus Tinnitus Gaurd helps to improve your memory, concentration, attention, and protect your thoughts.

🟢Improves blood flow in your body:  The ingredients of tinnitus have anti-inflammation properties and also regulate blood flow to every tiny blood vessel in the body. The ingredients also help to maintain healthy blood pressure levels in our bodies.

🟢Enhances mental performance: Tinnitus guards enhance the overall mental health by controlling stress levels, lifting your mood, improving sleep quality, and reducing any symptoms of depression. The ingredients of the supplement are known to improve mental and cognitive functioning.

🟢Assist with noise reduction: The Tinnitus guard is also an anti buzzing supplement that will help in noise reduction which will improve your ear health. Exposure to noises that are not healthy for the nerves of the ear can lead to hearing loss, Tinnitus guard helps with noise reduction that might lead to losing hearing ability gradually.

Click Here To Order Tinnitus Guard Supplement From The Official Website

What are the side effects of Tinnitus Guard?

The Tinnitus Guard is comprised entirely of natural components and nutrients and is manufactured in accordance with FDA and GMP norms. Tinnitus Guard’s components have all been shown to be beneficial in treating tinnitus while also providing other advantages.

There are no adverse effects because the supplement is 100 percent natural. Although the supplement has no known negative effects, the company recommends consulting your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, under the age of 18, or have any medical concerns.

The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules per day to obtain an optimal result. The supplement can be taken anytime with or without a meal. The manufacturer also recommends taking the supplements for a minimum of 2-3 months to get the maximum benefit.

Tinnitus Guard Results and longevity

Within a few days of taking the supplement, users reported fewer ringing in their ears. They claim that the ringing in their ears has faded with time and is no longer present.

Customers’ mental health, blood pressure, and blood flow have all improved as a result of the supplement. The result obtained by the customers by using the supplement consistently lasted for 1-2years.

Tinnitus Guard Results

Is Tinnitus Guard legit or not?

Tinnitus Guard’s ingredients have all been shown to help with tinnitus and improve inner ear health. Customers have also said that they felt a decrease in tinnitus condition by using the supplement.

All ingredients of Tinnitus Guard are of high quality and the supplement doesn’t contain any chemicals or artificial preservatives. Taking all of this into account, Tinnitus Guard appears to be a legit supplement.

Tinnitus Guard Customer reviews and complaints

Tinnitus guard has received overall positive customer reviews from their customers. Many of them have reported that their ear ringing is gone permanently within a few weeks itself and didn’t experience any side effects while taking the supplement.

Although there were some customers who have complained that the supplement didn’t reduce their ear ringing. This was because the customers stopped using the supplement within a few days and weren’t consistent. Customers who complained were able to get a refund under the 60-day money-back guarantee offer.

Tinnitus Guard Customer reviews

Tinnitus Guard Pricing and Where to buy It?

The price of Tinnitus Guard is given below:

🔸1 month supply: The manufacturer recommends one bottle of Tinnitus Guard for one month supply as the bottle contains 60 capsules and the cost is $69.

🔸3 months supply: The manufacturer recommends three bottles of Tinnitus Guard for three months supply and the cost is $59 per bottle.

🔸6 months supply: The manufacturer recommends six bottles of Tinnitus Guard for six months supply and the cost is $49 per bottle. The 6 month supply has a 50% offer and you can get six bottles for $294.

Every purchase is free of any shipping charge. The manufacturer also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee offer to the customers. The supplement is sold only on its official website and is not available on any e-commerce platforms or local stores.

Final Verdict on Tinnitus Guard Reviews

Tinnitus Guard is a supplement with all-natural vitamins and nutrients that aids in the treatment and long-term cure of tinnitus. Tinnitus Guard is manufactured in the United States, following all FDA and GMP guidelines. According to the Tinnitus Guard reviews, this supplement also contains a slew of other advantages that contribute to your physical and emotional well-being.

Tinnitus Guard has received great feedback from customers, and the majority of them are pleased with the supplements. The supplement is also reasonably priced and comes with a money-back guarantee. Finally, Tinnitus Guard appears to be a supplement worth trying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Tinnitus Guard contain any chemicals?

Tinnitus Guard is an all-natural supplement that doesn’t contain any chemicals or artificial preservatives.

Does the manufacturer charge any shipping fees?

The manufacturer offers free shipping for any purchase of the supplement.

Is Tinnitus Guard an imported supplement?

No, Tinnitus Guard is made in the USA itself and is recommended by US doctors.

What are the benefits of Tinnitus Guard apart from treating tinnitus?

Tinnitus Guard has many benefits including regulating blood flow, reducing stress levels, enhancing mental performance, etc.

Where can I buy Tinnitus Guard?

Tinnitus Guard can be bought through the official website of the supplement

Click Here To Order Tinnitus Guard Supplement From The Official Website(60 Days Money Back Guarantee)


  1.  Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (1998-2021).Hearing loss. Available [Online] at https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hearing-loss/symptoms-causes/syc-20373072
  2. Cleveland Clinic.(2021).Ear Injuries and Trauma. Available [Online] at https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17574-ear-injuries-and-trauma
  3. National Library of Medicine(n.d). Ear Disorders. Available [Online] at https://medlineplus.gov/eardisorders.html

Dr. Stacy Tyree

Dr. Stacy tyree is an American surgeon and author. She specializes in vascular surgery and bariatric surgery. She is also known for helping morbidly obese people to lose weight. Dr. Stacy tyree owns Doctor of Medicine degree and completed a Rotating Surgical internship at St. Johns Hospital. She has written several scholars on obesity.

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