US Administration’s Role In Protecting Americans From Covid-19

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : January 19, 2022

The spread of the Omicron variant across the globe has taken a fast pace by engulfing millions of people in its infection. The Omicron variant attacks both vaccinated and non-vaccinated people but with different intensities.

US Administration’s Role In Protecting Americans From Covid-19

People who have completed their 2 doses tend to have mild illnesses like a common cold. The prominent symptoms from the Omicron variant are cough, tiredness, runny nose, sore throat, and headache, which are uncommon to earlier variants of losing smell and taste. Currently, two variants of Covid-19 which are termed variants of concern are Delta and Omicron. 

US Administration's Role In Protecting Americans From Covid-19

Though the severity of the new variant is less with lesser hospitalization, its transmissibility rate has taken an excellent hike within the middle of January, and it is expected to rise more significantly in the coming weeks. Looking to the widespread event, a company like Google has announced to take weekly Covid tests for its employees. 

The infection of Covid-19 tends to be lesser in children compared to adults. Some statistics have shown that children have also got positive results during their stay in hospital though admitted for some other reasons. The significant population of children affected is aged below 4 years, which are not eligible for vaccination. 

At this critical juncture of a severe pandemic, the US government has included the test covered under insurance in a bid to make home testing available freely and readily available for the people. President Joe Biden also initiated buying 1000 million covid tests to distribute freely among Americans. A website in this regard has been launched to order free testing kits. 

It is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for people above the age of 5 years to get fully vaccinated to remain safer from the Covid-19 effect. They also recommend getting a booster dose for everyone above the age of 16 after completing the series of Covid-19 vaccines. The US medical team has approved three booster doses to protect the people further. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that the use of N95 & KN95 masks is safer for people to fight the dreadful Covid-19 infection. They have also emphasized using any type of mask rather than going without it.

The use of a three-layered mask has been advised, and the President has made arrangements to make high-quality masks available freely for the people. The wearing of a mask for all above the age of 2 has been recommended for unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people.

People who are on medication and fully vaccinated should also compulsorily wear a mask since they will have a weak immune system and be less protected despite being fully vaccinated. The actual method of wearing a mask over the nose and mouth is also suggested to avoid transmission of Covid-19 to others.  

The shortage of medical staff and nurses in hospitals has also deteriorated the condition of the health care system in the US and for which President Joe Biden deployed 1000 military medical staff to support the hospital and make sure that health care services are not disrupted during this high magnitude of pandemic and Americans feel safe and secured. 

When the scientists are working on the possible cause and ascertaining whether it is a different pandemic, virologists suggest that it is likely that both Delta and Omicron are running simultaneously. Providing fresh insights into its origin, virologists suggested that An earlier variant of Covid-19 does not parent Omicron though it resembles a distant similarity with Wuhan-D614G. 

Now viewing the spread of Omicron among unvaccinated people, scientists believe that fast-spreading Omicron is reacting mildly on the vaccinated population and a more devastating variant or variants are expected in the future. 

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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