Will It Be The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated?

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : July 19, 2021

According to analytical data provided by Johns Hopkins University, almost all US states have seen a hike in COVID-19 cases in the recent week. This number was less than this in the past week. 

The country has seen a boost of nearly 70 percent daily cases this week, according to data delivered by Disease Control and Prevention. 

Will It Be The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated?

In a news conference attended by the CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, she said that even though this news is alarming, what worries more is the fact that a concerning number of outbursts are emerging on the grounds that has seen low vaccination rates than the others. 

Will It Be The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated

She raised her concerns saying that this is gradually becoming a pandemic to unvaccinated people. The hospital vacancies and death numbers have heightened by 36% to 26%. According to the health ministry, at least fifty-nine homeless shelters in Northern California, who were also vaccinated, tested positive.

In total, the US has seen a huge number of 34 million cases with around 608,700 deaths. On top of this unsettling data and news, the creators of COVID-19 vaccines Pfizer and BioNTech have said that it would not be possible to give approval to the vaccine for another six months. The companies admitted that the Food and Drug Administration has prioritized their application and the goal is the year 2022 in the month of January.

The Food and Drug Administration said earlier that they do recognize the vaccines as the key to ending the coronavirus pandemic and are working as quickly as possible to review the application.

The vaccines have been available since last December, but instead of functioning as a full drug license, it has been provided under emergency authorization. The Food and Drug Administration said earlier that it was because of the emergency situation that arose from the pandemic that led them to give access to the vaccines. 

The numbers are alarming. The US is moving towards a deadly fourth wave of the pandemic. Los Angeles has reported rising cases of around 1,000 per day. San Diego has seen up to 2,000 cases in the whole week. According to Jeff Zients, the White House Response Coordinator of COVID-19 said earlier that four states account for around 40% of total new cases. These may include Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, and Louisiana. Arkansas booked the top spot for new coronavirus cases, roughly reporting 1,342 cases on Friday.

Institutions like the University of California are making contributions on their level to curb the upsurge of new coronavirus cases. It has made it mandatory for students and faculty members to get vaccinated. More than four hundred such universities are planning on mandating vaccines for students.

The Idaho Capitol saw a number of protests by the employees following the mandatory vaccination imposed on them. When asked, a nurse said that vaccines shouldn’t be imposed on them as there haven’t been long-term studies on it yet. The two largest health systems of Idaho- Saint Alphonsus and St Luke announced the requirement of getting vaccinated. All those who fail to meet this requirement could be terminated.

The most populated county in the US, Los Angeles, is once again asking the citizens to wear masks indoors, irrespective of whether they’ve taken the vaccines or if they are showing symptoms. 

Everything has been said and done, on top of all the work being done by healthcare officials, the ministry, and the government, it is our own duty too, to responsibly handle the situation by not crowding around, wearing masks, and getting vaccinated. In the present scenario, getting vaccinated is looking like our best option and a get-out-of-the-pandemic one-way ticket.

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Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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