Biden Should Be Impeached For Sending Our Natural Assets To China

Special Correspondent | Last Updated : July 7, 2022

After taking just a quick recap on the ever-changing rules of the world. The three things that any functioning country must have is a continuous supply of food, water, and energy. These 3 basic things are the fundamental necessities of life, not diversity, equity and inclusion, food, water, and energy.  

Biden Should Be Impeached For Sending Our Natural Assets To Our Enemy China

If you are having the proper supply of food, water, and energy, you win. If you are not having them, you lose. Now, this can make you sound unfair, but we never make the rules. Nature did. They can choose to ignore them, but those rules can not be changed. Sorry. 

Biden Should Be Impeached For Sending Our Natural Assets To China

It was mentioned that he wants to thank Americans, they live in a country that is remarkably abundant in all three of those things by having everything in a proper way. 

We all know that the U.S. has the most fertile farmland in the world. They have got more potable, fresh water than virtually any other place, and critically and rarest of all, America is also having the largest recoverable oil reserves on the planet. They are number one in that category and that matters maybe more than anything. 

The stakes are high, so it is incumbent on the rest of us to point out the people telling you that they have no idea what they are discussing. They are not remotely close to a green energy power grid or anything even approaching it. 

In fact, according to reports, the world is powered as it has long been by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels. This is the place from where more than 80% of global energy comes from, not from windmills and solar panels, from oil and gas and coal and that is not going to change soon. 

In fact, we can say that the world’s fastest-growing economies, that would be India and China, are using more fossil fuels than ever, not less. They are giving them the benefit of doubt. At best, they are only ignoring it. They are not engineers.

They are politicians and ideologues. They are the ones who are telling you that boys can become girls just by wishing it so, and they have been commanded by the rest of us to believe that, but unfortunately for them, the principles of social justice can not apply to power grids. 

They can not just name them and get something different. No. You have to create new and better power grids and they are nowhere near that and they will not be anywhere near that during the course of our lifetimes. Sorry, this is the reality, and we can not yell loud enough to make it change. 

It was added that they are rich because they are rich in natural resources. That’s why they won the Second World War, for example. 

Yet suddenly, strangely, the United States will start suddenly experiencing shortages of both food and energy and that’s why prices of these things have risen because we don’t have enough of them. How did that happen?

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