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Biden campaign an upward reach to women with voters' engagement

Biden Campaign An Upward Reach To Women With Voters’ Engagement

ByNikki AttkissonSep 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s 2016 election win may have been propelled by white working-class men, but another key group in that was…

Coronavirus live updates: Labor Day vigilance and safety

Coronavirus Live Updates: Labor Day Vigilance And Safety

ByNikki AttkissonSep 8, 2020

To date, every Labor Day was considered as summer’s final hurrah, but not this year, since there is a life…

Breonna Taylor: She had big plans before the deadly raid by police

Breonna Taylor: She Had Big Plans Before The Deadly Raid By Police

ByNikki AttkissonSep 7, 2020

Breonna Taylor, 26-year-old, had big dreams. Her name became a rallying cry as part of the fight against police brutality…

Political risk is becoming a growing concern in the United States

The Peril Of Investments And Politics

ByNikki AttkissonSep 7, 2020

Political risk is becoming a growing concern in the United States as the government plays a larger and more controversial…