WHO: Warns Against Attacking Monkeys Over Monkeypox

WHO: Warns Against Attacking Monkeys Over Monkeypox

The surge of monkeypox virus reports made the situation a bit difficult for monkeys. The string of attacks, including stoning and poisoning is reported from various regions of the world. A WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris interfered with the topic in a press conference held in Geneva. She clearly states her concern regarding the attacks and…

Immune System Insights And Thai Climate Calculator: News From The College

Immune System Insights And Thai Climate Calculator: News From The College

As a part of the recent kind of study, it has been brought forward that a lot of insights into cell signals in the immune system have been discovered. It has developed into new energy and emission model for Thailand. This study has been able to understand the different types of problems between the different…

In The Drug Discovery Process, How AI Can Be A Help?

In The Drug Discovery Process, How AI Can Be A Help?

AI is the intelligence manifested in artificial machines, including humans and animals, as opposed to their intelligence. It is mostly found in people working in intellectual fields. No matter we look at it, we know that machines are superior to humans by all means. We can see many possibilities in this field. They are all…

Polio Found In NYC’s Sewage | Threatening A Comeback Of The Virus

Polio Found In NYC’s Sewage | Threatening A Comeback Of The Virus

Recent samples taken from New York City’s sewage system suggest that polio may have returned to the U.S., according to statements made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  In the sample, two polio strains were detected, one an oral polio vaccine (OPV) strain from the 1950s and another live polio virus that could be responsible…