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Vaccinations May Get Skipped As Schools Starting Online

Vaccinations May Get Skipped As Schools Starting Online

ByNikki AttkissonSep 5, 2020

As many schools are set to reopen online classes, the crucial vaccination program may suffer this year. Across many schools…

Portland suspect killed in police encounter during arrest

Portland Suspect Killed In police encounter During Arrest

ByNikki AttkissonSep 5, 2020

Police have shot dead Michael Reinoehl, the suspect in the fatal shooting of a right-wing activist during the recent Portland…

Police officers can cover their name tags, says Rochester Department

Police Officers Can cover Their Name Tags, Says Rochester Department

ByNikki AttkissonSep 5, 2020

The death of Daniel Prude sparked a lot of protests across Rochester. An interesting thing observer spotted during the protests…

Presidential ballots being sent out in North Carolina

Presidential Ballots Being Sent Out In North Carolina

ByNikki AttkissonSep 5, 2020

The presidential election process has started in some states as Americans prepare to vote for the elections. North Carolina started…