Doubts Over AstraZeneca Vaccine Leads To Public Hesitation Against Vaccinations

Doubts Over AstraZeneca Vaccine Leads To Public Hesitation Against Vaccinations

The EU plans to inoculate 70% of its adult population by September this year. However, that target may become jeopardized due to the possible links between the Oxford-AstraZaneca vaccine and the reported blood clots cases. Doubts Over AstraZeneca Vaccine Leads To Public Hesitation Against Vaccinations  The continent is experiencing a third wave of the Coronavirus…

CDC Relaxes Physical Distancing Guidelines In Schools

CDC Relaxes Physical Distancing Guidelines In Schools

In its relaxed physical distancing guidelines for school children, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Friday recommended maintenance of at least 3 feet of distance by most students, CNN reported. The guidelines come in the light of new data against the earlier requirement of 6 feet. CDC Relaxes Physical Distancing Guidelines In Schools…